Ballsy - Liquid Courage "Shower Beer" Body Wash - Cedar & Citrus

Ballsy - Liquid Courage "Shower Beer" Body Wash - Cedar & Citrus

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Liquid Courage is more than a mere body wash, it’s an elixir sent directly from the shower gods themselves. Striking the perfect balance of invigorating suds, hydrating ingredients, and light exfoliation you’ll leave the shower knowing that no matter what adventure awaits you -- swimming with great whites, free soloing El Cap, or just dealing with Pam from accounting you’re ready. Comes in our top 3 best selling fragrances. Featuring: -Jojoba Spheres | Lightly exfoliates while hydrating skin -Aloe Vera | Helps lock moisture into skin -Coconut Oil | Reduces inflamed or irritated skin -14oz